My book chapter is done, and I feel SO good about it!! I finished it last night, sent it to the compiler (like a project manager) for review. I thought I felt good about what I wrote the first go round, but this is totally different and, in my opinion, truly good, profoundly meaningful. I felt last night, and still feel this morning, an energy that is new to me. It feels calm & peaceful, but at the same time like something is about to explode, in a good way. Like there's something just under the surface that is waiting to get out. I'm feeling very excited and energized!!
Nails are completely off, learning to type again with my own fingertips. I'm loving it ,,, there's a whole list of things I haven't been able to do well for years now with those fingernails on. And here's the thing I've discovered once I got them off -- I wore them for decades because in my opinion my hands were ugly without them. I formed that opinion at a time in my life when I was pretty full of self loathing, and in all these years I never thought to question it. So once I got them all off last week, I realized I really like my own hands, just like they are. I'd say that means all my self-work in the last year has made an impact on me. Self acceptance is so amazing, such a gift ... life changing.
I'm excited about tomorrow, I'm going to something called I Can Do It, an all day conference with many motivational speakers and authors with Hay House Publishing, started by Louise Hay. I actually get to see Louise, and several others whose books I've read and learned so much from.
My journey into a healthier and more passion-filled life after cancer, menopause & alcoholism.

I started this blog in 2010 as I began the process of figuring out how to have a more passion-filled life, leaving my corporate job in search of something more fulfilling. It felt like a giant push on my life's restart button and I wanted to share my journey. The road on that journey has taken a few unforeseen twists and turns, first colon cancer then recovering from alcoholism. The journey continues, I hope you'll join me from time to time as I share my travels to that passion-filled life that still calls to me.
Friday, March 28, 2014
Monday, March 17, 2014
On my mind
So a couple of things are on my mind tonite.
One is this ... I do know in my heart that in time, God will reveal to me what my life's purpose and passion is about and how I'm going to make a living from all these experiences. Don't get me wrong, I'm financially ok today and for several more today's. But a year from now I might not be feeling that way, and in all honesty what I'm living off of would have been a fabulous retirement if/when I got to that point. But I am grateful that God is allowing me this time to figure things out, and to give His plans for me time to be revealed. And 95% of the time I walk on Faith, taking one day at a time, and trusting the process. But sometimes, like today for some reason, I let fear walk alongside me and it's voice gets in my head a little bit.
And that brings me to the other thing on my mind, and that is this lesson I believe I'm learning, or that God is trying to teach me, about shutting out and shutting down the voices of the world around me and tuning into what's in my own heart & mind, which I believe is the voice of God. This is what keeps coming through to me, and every time I start getting too caught up in what I call "general beliefs" I feel like I'm not ok the way I am, that I should be doing something different. But it's those feelings that were why I drank, and that certainly didn't work out very well.
I'm still figuring out what it is about my book chapter that needs work, if it even does. We've gotten more guidance on what the book and it's stories are meant to convey, so that helps. And I don't feel deflated anymore by the feedback I've gotten. I know for a fact that it was NOT meant to come across as critical, and intent is what really matters.
So, my pink & white acrylic nails are coming off today. It's been a long time coming, and while it seems like just a cosmetic change, it's so much more than that. These nails have been a big part of my inability to accept myself, and my hands lol, for who I am. They've been on for decades, and I truly believed I was unattractive without them. Now, getting rid of them feels so liberating and I'm so ready to be done with all that maintenance, time & money spent on upkeep. One less stressful thing to fill my life with, one more step in accepting myself for who I am. PLUS, I'm sitting here typing with my own fingertips, which I haven't done in soooo long, it feels kind of weird but really, really good. Maybe this is indicative that I'll be writing more. :-)
One is this ... I do know in my heart that in time, God will reveal to me what my life's purpose and passion is about and how I'm going to make a living from all these experiences. Don't get me wrong, I'm financially ok today and for several more today's. But a year from now I might not be feeling that way, and in all honesty what I'm living off of would have been a fabulous retirement if/when I got to that point. But I am grateful that God is allowing me this time to figure things out, and to give His plans for me time to be revealed. And 95% of the time I walk on Faith, taking one day at a time, and trusting the process. But sometimes, like today for some reason, I let fear walk alongside me and it's voice gets in my head a little bit.
And that brings me to the other thing on my mind, and that is this lesson I believe I'm learning, or that God is trying to teach me, about shutting out and shutting down the voices of the world around me and tuning into what's in my own heart & mind, which I believe is the voice of God. This is what keeps coming through to me, and every time I start getting too caught up in what I call "general beliefs" I feel like I'm not ok the way I am, that I should be doing something different. But it's those feelings that were why I drank, and that certainly didn't work out very well.
I'm still figuring out what it is about my book chapter that needs work, if it even does. We've gotten more guidance on what the book and it's stories are meant to convey, so that helps. And I don't feel deflated anymore by the feedback I've gotten. I know for a fact that it was NOT meant to come across as critical, and intent is what really matters.
So, my pink & white acrylic nails are coming off today. It's been a long time coming, and while it seems like just a cosmetic change, it's so much more than that. These nails have been a big part of my inability to accept myself, and my hands lol, for who I am. They've been on for decades, and I truly believed I was unattractive without them. Now, getting rid of them feels so liberating and I'm so ready to be done with all that maintenance, time & money spent on upkeep. One less stressful thing to fill my life with, one more step in accepting myself for who I am. PLUS, I'm sitting here typing with my own fingertips, which I haven't done in soooo long, it feels kind of weird but really, really good. Maybe this is indicative that I'll be writing more. :-)
Thursday, March 13, 2014
So I finally finished my chapter last weekend, the first actual draft anyway. I felt so proud of what I had come out with, and sent it off to a few friends to read and give me feedback. It's more than just some story though, it's MY story, it's me. It feels so personal when someone critiques it but I asked for feedback, I need to be able to take it or I shouldn't ask for it. But I have to confess, I'm feeling a little deflated over the whole process now. Thankfully, the deadline has been extended to the 31st so I have some time.
I am SO excited that the house across the street from me is under contract after being on the market for 3 days, at a price that is really exciting. I'm feeling so energized at the idea of getting my house ready to sell next year. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE my house, but I do NOT love living in Aurora, I just don't. No idea where I do want to live right now, but that will come in time as well. I'm excited to move forward, but I will be sad to leave my house. That house has been, by the far, the happiest home I've had since my father died 38 years ago. I knew I would live there the minute I walked in, it's like the house was just waiting for me. Every time I walk in, I feel that sense of "ahhhhhh" like I can exhale, all is well. I'm sure Milo will be gone by the time I leave, and that will make 3 dogs I've said good bye to in that house, as well as recuperated from cancer, had lots of parties/holiday gatherings in, and so much, much more. But I have NO doubt that my next home will be just as welcoming and feel just as good ... and who knows, maybe I won't be there by myself. :-)
I am SO excited that the house across the street from me is under contract after being on the market for 3 days, at a price that is really exciting. I'm feeling so energized at the idea of getting my house ready to sell next year. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE my house, but I do NOT love living in Aurora, I just don't. No idea where I do want to live right now, but that will come in time as well. I'm excited to move forward, but I will be sad to leave my house. That house has been, by the far, the happiest home I've had since my father died 38 years ago. I knew I would live there the minute I walked in, it's like the house was just waiting for me. Every time I walk in, I feel that sense of "ahhhhhh" like I can exhale, all is well. I'm sure Milo will be gone by the time I leave, and that will make 3 dogs I've said good bye to in that house, as well as recuperated from cancer, had lots of parties/holiday gatherings in, and so much, much more. But I have NO doubt that my next home will be just as welcoming and feel just as good ... and who knows, maybe I won't be there by myself. :-)
Tuesday, March 4, 2014
What is this?
I know what I'm feeling today, just not sure at all why. Feeling very lonely, sad and fatigued, extremely fatigued. I feel like some weight sits on me and I have no idea what that's about. It's like I'm supposed to be doing something different, something in particular, God's waiting for me to figure it out, but I just don't see it. Weird & frustrating feeling. Makes me want to just crawl back into my bed, hibernate and pretend this day never happened. Know what I mean, or is that odd?
So the chapter writing is going really well, AND best of all we've been given an extension on our deadline. Not sure what that is just yet, but I'm super thankful. This is quite a process, it's like I'm trying to birth something here. It's fascinating, and exhausting. Perhaps that's the connection to what/how I'm feeling today (lightbulb appears over head). With all that's happened in the last 3 years, I've never written it all down in one cohesive manner, let alone honed it all down to something significant, a deeper meaning. I mean, don't get me wrong, I've thought ALOT about the deeper message in these life events, but thinking about it and writing about it in a way that has meaning for someone else are two entirely different things my friends. It's almost like some entirely new and amazing thought is waiting to pop out of my writing efforts. I can't even tell you how dramatically different the story looks each time I get done writing, it gets better, sharper, clearer. So cool, and did I say exhausting? lol.
On the food front, I had some food tolerance testing done a few months back and one food in particular came back as a "Danger Will Robinson"type, aka a "red food" (pretty much means don't eat it until you've totally healed your gut, which I evidently haven't), and that is rice. Other red foods were coconut and cinnamon, which I've been able to eat small amounts of lately. But rice,,,, man every time I try just a little bit my poor GI system is in pain. It does NOT work well in my body, and I've had a little rice over the past 24-48 hours and I'm really feeling it today. Physically just not doing so well,,, another reason why crawling back into bed sounds like a really fabulous idea.
Will I go back to bed? Will I write more this afternoon and continue this birthing process, or just rest and watch True Blood reruns? lol stay tuned ....
So the chapter writing is going really well, AND best of all we've been given an extension on our deadline. Not sure what that is just yet, but I'm super thankful. This is quite a process, it's like I'm trying to birth something here. It's fascinating, and exhausting. Perhaps that's the connection to what/how I'm feeling today (lightbulb appears over head). With all that's happened in the last 3 years, I've never written it all down in one cohesive manner, let alone honed it all down to something significant, a deeper meaning. I mean, don't get me wrong, I've thought ALOT about the deeper message in these life events, but thinking about it and writing about it in a way that has meaning for someone else are two entirely different things my friends. It's almost like some entirely new and amazing thought is waiting to pop out of my writing efforts. I can't even tell you how dramatically different the story looks each time I get done writing, it gets better, sharper, clearer. So cool, and did I say exhausting? lol.
On the food front, I had some food tolerance testing done a few months back and one food in particular came back as a "Danger Will Robinson"type, aka a "red food" (pretty much means don't eat it until you've totally healed your gut, which I evidently haven't), and that is rice. Other red foods were coconut and cinnamon, which I've been able to eat small amounts of lately. But rice,,,, man every time I try just a little bit my poor GI system is in pain. It does NOT work well in my body, and I've had a little rice over the past 24-48 hours and I'm really feeling it today. Physically just not doing so well,,, another reason why crawling back into bed sounds like a really fabulous idea.
Will I go back to bed? Will I write more this afternoon and continue this birthing process, or just rest and watch True Blood reruns? lol stay tuned ....
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