It's been an interesting week since that last post, much has been going on and I'm learning to trust my own judgement about things.
One opportunity was to take a Teach The Hormone Cure class from Sara Gottfried MD, the author of The Hormone Cure. Definitely something I want to do, but it's fairly pricey and not in the budget right now. Hopefully it will be offered again, as I do think I'm narrowing in on the audience that I wish to market my health consulting services to, and it's women at a certain age in life, like me. Women who are experiencing either some pre-menopause or menopause symptoms but want to treat their body as gently as possible (i.e. no synthetic hormones) and having this certification will enable me to market to that audience.
And the compiler (lead author) of the book I'm co-authoring invited me to take part in a series of virtual retreats starting in June. Basically it would be one weekend each month where I and others would be offering online workshops for people to pick and choose from. I love the idea, love the opportunity, but again the timing just isn't right for me.
And now feeling really glad I didn't jump on either of these, from a financial perspective, as I learned today I need a new hot water heater. Heavy sigh. Not cheap at $1400. But the blessing is (and it's important for me to see the blessings in things) I do have the money, it's not the dead of winter and it's really just an inconvenience more than anything else. But had I spent money on those workshops, I'd be feeling much more stressed about this than I am. Everything happens for a reason.
Had a really nice Easter weekend. Went with a group of women to cook & serve dinner to the resident kids at Denver Children's Home. Sweet kids who've been through more in their young lives than I can ever fathom. Then yesterday went to a church service (too intense for me, very bible-based) and had a lovely brunch at a friends house. Her home is so lovely and she has such a nice big family, I thought I might come home and feel lonely & sad for being alone, but I really didn't. I relish my quiet time, I know not everyone would but I do. All in all a nice weekend. A little sadness as I realized once again that some friendships are just not going to survive this transformation I'm going through. That's a tough one to accept, but I can't go back to who I was so I guess it just is what it is. Sounds trite, and I definitely don't mean it that way.
My journey into a healthier and more passion-filled life after cancer, menopause & alcoholism.

I started this blog in 2010 as I began the process of figuring out how to have a more passion-filled life, leaving my corporate job in search of something more fulfilling. It felt like a giant push on my life's restart button and I wanted to share my journey. The road on that journey has taken a few unforeseen twists and turns, first colon cancer then recovering from alcoholism. The journey continues, I hope you'll join me from time to time as I share my travels to that passion-filled life that still calls to me.
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