I don't know about you guys, but asking for help has to be one of the toughest things for me to do. And it's not that it is hard to ask - it's hard to remember to ask, I just don't think "gee, maybe someone else knows this thing I don't know and would be willing to help me". No, my thoughts go more like "I've got to figure this out to feel good about myself, as I'm sure everyone else in the world can do this except me".
So, last week, after noting and writing about feeling stagnant, it finally occurred to me that I need help. I have all these irons in the fire right now, and am struggling with how to pull them all together into something cohesive that I enjoy doing and can earn a living from. My thinking was that it would somehow just come together, as long as I'm moving forward it will coalesce without my having to make it happen, which I obviously don't have the current skills to do.
Since that doesn't seem to be happening, I decided to ask for help in the form of a personal life coach. I'm really so excited about taking this step. It won't be cheap, but she's very good at what she does so I know I'll get much more than my money's worth. Plus, I believe that I'm putting out into the universe what I'd like to receive ... abundance, in all it's many forms.
So begins the next step in my evolution, or beautiful metamorphosis. Yayyy me! :-)
Good night for now!
My journey into a healthier and more passion-filled life after cancer, menopause & alcoholism.

I started this blog in 2010 as I began the process of figuring out how to have a more passion-filled life, leaving my corporate job in search of something more fulfilling. It felt like a giant push on my life's restart button and I wanted to share my journey. The road on that journey has taken a few unforeseen twists and turns, first colon cancer then recovering from alcoholism. The journey continues, I hope you'll join me from time to time as I share my travels to that passion-filled life that still calls to me.
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