So yes, once again it's been a while since I've been here. I think part of that is that my website is being built, and so my blog will be moving over there in a few weeks, or sooner. Not to worry, I'll be posting much more about that as it draws nearer.
A lot of positive and exciting stuff has been happening on the business front. I have an awesome client that I'm working with pro bono, and have had a few conversations with other potential clients. I've filed my application for a federal tax id, met with a bookkeeper to get things started on that. Soon I'll be opening a business account and getting set up to accept credit cards. A new website is in the works, I'm working today on web content which will also be the basis for marketing materials. Since doing my Feminine Rising webinars, I know how to create short videos using Google+ and promote them through my YouTube channel on social media. I've done NONE of this before, and sometimes I think "this is crazy, I have no idea what I am doing", but no one knows what they don't know, until they know it. So, as I tell my clients, I am just walking through this one step at a time. And it's all very, very exciting, empowering and a little scary at the same time.
On a personal level, there's nothing negative going on at all. If that sounds like a "but" is coming, you're a very perceptive reader. The "holidays" are upon us and it's just not my favorite time of year. I feel very lonely, and kind of sad, and I miss my parents something awful, especially my mother. I don't tell many people how I feel for a multitude of reasons. Mainly because I do not want to dampen anyone else's holiday spirit. But also because people, meaning well, think if they invite me to their family gatherings that will make everything better for me. And it just doesn't. It's MY family that I miss, and that is simply gone. I had hoped when I got married that the feeling of "family" would return, but it never did. Maybe one day I'll fall in love with a man and together we can create our own meaning of the holidays, and it most likely won't be about shopping and gorging on sugar, as lovely as those things can be in small amounts. :-) So again, nothing negative in my personal life, just a sense of wishing it were January already. And that feels odd to me as I also try to live in the present moment, knowing this moment is really all I have. I suspect I am not alone in this, and maybe someone reading this will realize that neither are they.
So I'm procrastinating on writing that web content, I better at least try to get into that head space. It really requires - Squirrel!!! LOL Seriously, here I go now. Bye for today.
My journey into a healthier and more passion-filled life after cancer, menopause & alcoholism.

I started this blog in 2010 as I began the process of figuring out how to have a more passion-filled life, leaving my corporate job in search of something more fulfilling. It felt like a giant push on my life's restart button and I wanted to share my journey. The road on that journey has taken a few unforeseen twists and turns, first colon cancer then recovering from alcoholism. The journey continues, I hope you'll join me from time to time as I share my travels to that passion-filled life that still calls to me.
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