As I sit here in the peace and quiet of my home, watching the fire in my fireplace start to burn, I feel immensely grateful for the life that I am privileged to wake up to each morning. When not eating solid food for a few days, things like gratitude are great to feed my soul on.
The day has not been difficult at all, even though there have been some food cravings. So far today I have had two mugs of my home made broth (cooked for 24 hours total - really delicious and flavorful), two cups of decaf tea and one large juice drink. Here's what I juiced today:
1 large beet
2 small granny smith apples
3-5 carrots
2-3 celery stalks
1 small lemon (with the peel roughly sliced off or it tastes bitter)
1/2 large cucumber
1 small slice of fresh ginger
That's actually my favorite combination so I will most likely repeat that for the next couple of days. I will have one more juice tonight, and that may be it. I've done a good job with my water intake, so I am feeling very hydrated. I have had a slight headache for most of the day but I expected that on day one. I am denying my body the caffeine and the empty calories it's gotten used to, and a headache is a pretty normal response. I am a bit tired and looking forward to a good nights sleep, which is not what I had last night for some reason.
So why a cleanse? I know that word has become sort of a catch-all these days, and it seems to have different definitions and purposes, depending on who you ask. For me, these next few days will be a chance for my digestive system to rest and heal as I won't be giving it much to deal with. I am still nourishing my body with protein, fats and carbohydrates so it can run properly. But by not consuming any sugars, grains, dairy, etc., I am letting the inflammation in my body calm down, which will further soothe my digestive tract, ease some of the symptoms I mentioned yesterday and help me drop some weight. The sugar, along with caffeine, is also a stimulant which over time takes a toll on my central nervous system, and impacts my life on many levels, including my sleep. Flushing all these toxins out of my system with the help of lots of clean, filtered water, will help me feel and sleep better, which will give me more energy and enable me to think more clearly, have better focus and mental stamina. Plus I anticipate it will also help my hormones settle down, and I will have fewer hot flashes. And when it's all said and done, I expect my clothes will fit better and I will feel better in them - and who doesn't want to feel good in their clothes (or out of them for that matter?). All of this is, to me, a huge payoff for a few days of being a little hungry.
How do I know all of this? Well, some of it is what I have read and learned from others, and some of it I just know. I think we all know things - about ourselves and what is right for us, about the world around us and the people in it- without knowing how. We all have inherent wisdom and we all have our own intuition. I think the keys are listening, trusting and then leaning into that wisdom. Not always easy, but for me, always worth it. Ask yourself what you know, have always known, yet can't explain why - what is that knowing telling you and are you listening? If not, why?
I am exhausted so even though it's only 5:30 in the evening, I am going to wash my face, crawl into bed and read a bit. Good rest is crucial to my well being anytime, but especially through this process.
Night night peeps, sweet dreams. Join me again tomorrow for another update, I will hopefully have more energy. :-)
My journey into a healthier and more passion-filled life after cancer, menopause & alcoholism.

I started this blog in 2010 as I began the process of figuring out how to have a more passion-filled life, leaving my corporate job in search of something more fulfilling. It felt like a giant push on my life's restart button and I wanted to share my journey. The road on that journey has taken a few unforeseen twists and turns, first colon cancer then recovering from alcoholism. The journey continues, I hope you'll join me from time to time as I share my travels to that passion-filled life that still calls to me.
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