It's Friday once again, which is fabulous in and of itself, still after all these years. Friday has always been my very favorite day, and even though I'm not currently doing the M-F 9-5 gig, it still is. I get kind of giddy when I wake up and realize what day it is. Love that.
Posting this from my patio, pictured here:
I think I've spoken ad-nauseum about my patio before, so I'll spare you that again today, just wanted you to see it. :-)
Been an interesting week. The man I went on a date with that was awesome, followed that up with a date that was not awesome at all, ending it by telling me he really just wants to be "friends". Came out of left field, wasn't expecting that and it bruised my ego a bit. It also made me feel awkward, mostly because I'm sober, I am striving to be honest & authentic, which I have little-no experience with. In truth, I don't think it would have gone much of anywhere as we have very different values ... mine being more of a spiritual/democrat/scorpio kind and his being a very christian/republican/taurus kind. Not a match made in heaven for sure. But we had one really lovely evening so I'm just going to fondly remember that and keep moving forward.
My book, In Pursuit of the Divine: Written Stories to Empower a Woman's Soul hit #1 in the Happiness category on Amazon earlier this week, which is very exciting!!! Several friends have received their copy and have been touched by one, if not many, stories in there so that is also very exciting and rewarding to hear.
Fear is creeping in again a little bit, around whether my money will last until I get some kind of business up and running. I don't think it's a realistic fear, but I seem to be spending money like it's water right now. Not wasting, spending ,,, that's important for me to remember and remind myself of. I also go through this little script in my head, telling myself that I've always had every single thing I need, there's no reason to believe God brought me this far to abandon me now. It helps, most of the time. Being really present to the moment I'm in also helps, and not comparing my life to anyone else's life.
I am beginning to get really excited about my upcoming trip to Salt Lake City. I'll get to see some of my dear friends, learn a lot more about using essential oils, and I'm getting to meet face to face with the woman who has written several books on hormones and using the oils. My hope is that she can help guide me towards a path of endocrine health using the oils exclusively. I've been heading in that direction for some time now, but still holding onto more traditional ways and I think the Universe is trying to shift my focus.
Guess I better go hop in the shower - kind of loath to leave this calm, peaceful space, it's so quiet right now, I love it. Happy Friday peeps! <3
My journey into a healthier and more passion-filled life after cancer, menopause & alcoholism.

I started this blog in 2010 as I began the process of figuring out how to have a more passion-filled life, leaving my corporate job in search of something more fulfilling. It felt like a giant push on my life's restart button and I wanted to share my journey. The road on that journey has taken a few unforeseen twists and turns, first colon cancer then recovering from alcoholism. The journey continues, I hope you'll join me from time to time as I share my travels to that passion-filled life that still calls to me.
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